Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Welcome to Bright Minds Preschool Room!


Bright Minds Preschool is an inclusion based program, open to children ages 3-5 with or without a disability, meeting M-F from 8:30-11 AM or 12-2:30 PM with a cost of $40/week. Preschool is held at CIATS Education Center at 7704 Deer Path Road Charleston, IL 61920.

Students are given the opportunity to participate in sensory and art activities, language arts, pre-academic exercises and much more. This curriculum and our 4:1 ratio of staff to students make Bright Minds Preschool the perfect addition to Early Childhood Education. As an inclusion based program, all are welcome to attend Bright Minds Preschool but those with an IEP are especially encouraged to enroll. 

Bright Minds' patient and skilled staff are trained to understand the challenges children with Autism and other special needs embrace every day. Our goal is to assist our students in reaching their highest potential. Always Believe in Ability!

Children from Charleston School District can arrange for transportation to and from CIATS Education Center by contact the student's school's busing company. Extended care is available for students arriving before or staying after preschool for a small fee.

For more information on Bright Minds Preschool, after school care or any of CIATS Education Programs, please e-mail, call us at (217)508-7171 or visit